Golden Assembly and Newsletters

Digital copies of this weeks newsletters:

pdf EYFS & KS1 Newsletter
pdf KS2 Newsletter


Golden Assembly

Always Club
Children were in the always club this week for always trying their best, congratulations to our winners:
Dexter, Skyla, Alfie, Byron, Lacey, Marcjanna, Ebonie-Mae, Lexi, Summer, Bradley,
Arielle, Aimee, Theo and Roxanne
Writer of the week
Awarded for amazing progress in all aspects of writing.
Alex and Leonard
Awarded for doing incredibly well in the Year 5 arithmetic tests and now completing the Year 6 arithmetic tests.
Kindness Cup
Awarded for always being kind to others, even when the going gets though.
Sport Award
Awarded for improving in her confidence and listening incredibly well, enabling her to do better in games and play more strategically.
Attendance Ted
KS1 winners are Pears with 97.8% attendance
KS2 winners are Bay 1 with 98.9% attendance