
Weekly Attendance: 93.1%

Key Stage 1:
Yew 1: 94.3%
Yew 2: 89.0%
Ash 1: 90.4%
Ash 2: 93.3%

Key Stage 2:
Fir 1: 94.2%
Fir 2: 93.0%
Elm 1: 92.8%
Elm 2: 93.0%
Bay 1: 97.8%
Bay 2: 94.2%
Oak 1: 96.6%
Oak 2: 89.0%

Latest News

NL Family Hub Parenting Classes

North Lincolnshire Council’s NL Family are hosting Parenting groups and new Parent training groups across various locations. To book onto any course please email For more information regarding available

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House Points

his weeks #WakeUpWednesday by The National College is "What Parents & Educators Need to Know About Justalk Kids". See the attached Poster below for more information. #LGPS #esafety

We’ve completed our first music this year learning our new song. We loved it and joined in with all the actions. #perseverance #motivation #Ash1 #Music

As part of writing a non fiction text we have started our wow event by creating volcanoes in groups - we can’t wait to paint them next week! #determination #adaptability #Elm2 #Writing

We have enjoyed starting our new text called ‘Roman diary’ linking to our romans topic. #motivation #determination #Elm1 #Reading

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