
Weekly Attendance: 93.1%

Key Stage 1:
Yew 1: 94.3%
Yew 2: 89.0%
Ash 1: 90.4%
Ash 2: 93.3%

Key Stage 2:
Fir 1: 94.2%
Fir 2: 93.0%
Elm 1: 92.8%
Elm 2: 93.0%
Bay 1: 97.8%
Bay 2: 94.2%
Oak 1: 96.6%
Oak 2: 89.0%

Latest News

House Points

We absolutely loved performing our Christmas songs to our adults, we’ve shown lots of positivity and hope everyone enjoyed listening. #Positivity #Pears #LearnGrowParticipateSucceed

We have started our 8 times tables this week and have shown perseverance and positivity to succeed #positivity #perseverance #Elm2 #Maths

We have been using maps to understand how land is used in villages, towns and cities and comparing how these change and why this happens. #motivation #Elm1 #Geography

We we have been showing our prior knowledge of the UK today to name countries and capital cities and then worked on our map drawing skills to show we understood where these were #positivity #perseverance #Elm2 #Geography

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