Safeguarding Team
Miss A Nuttall Designated Safeguarding Lead | Headteacher
Mr C Jackson Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead | Deputy Headteacher
Mrs A Benson Assistant Headteacher
Mrs C Bradley SENDCo
Miss K Cook Pastoral and Inclusion Officer
Mr M Ainsley School Business Manager
Mr J Campbell Safeguarding Governor
On this page you will find updates, links and information regarding aspects of safeguarding within the classroom, school and beyond.
At Lincoln Gardens Primary School, the welfare of all our pupils is of great importance to us and we hope that parents are confident about their children’s health and safety whilst in our school. We will always try to share any concerns with parents. However, there are times when we are legally obliged to share our concerns with other agencies, without first speaking to parents, or without the consent of parents. The safety and protection of our pupils is our most important concern and we wish to reassure you that any sharing of information is done with the child’s best interest at heart.
If you have any concerns about the welfare or safety of any child in our school, the Safeguarding Lead is Miss Nuttall and the Deputy Safeguarding Leader is Mr Jackson. They can be contacted through the school office along with other members of the leadership team.
We have a duty to inform parents that there is a prohibition reporting or publishing details (including on social media) that could identify anyone who is subject to allegations.
Online Safety
The online world is rapidly developing and many of our children now have access to devices which enable them to connect to the internet, take images or video and communicate with others. While it is important not to obstruct them from developing skills from using these devices, it is essential that parents support their children in navigating the online world.
Some of the issues related to children using the internet are:
- Accessing inappropriate content on the internet
- Using ‘mature’ social networking sites, such as Facebook, and connecting with individuals they don’t know
- Being cyber bullied by others on the internet
- Using technology appropriately, e.g. webcams and cameras on mobile devices
- Sharing personal information with others they don’t know on the internet
- Playing video games with adult rating, e.g. Call of Duty.
If you feel that your child is being groomed or abused online, then use the Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP) Centre’s reporting form:
The important message is that children can speak to a responsible adult if they feel worried about something related to the internet.
For further information about family filtering for home broadband
The resources on this page are to help children and parents to understand the risks and how to make devices safer to use.
Early Years and Foundation Stage/Key Stage 1
Smartie The Penguin (online story)
Digiduck’s Big Decision (online story)
Hectors World (cartoons)
Lee & Kim (cartoon and resources)
Key Stage 2
The Smart Crew (cartoons and resources)
Kidsmart (information site)
CEOP Think U Know 8-10 year olds (games and resources)
CEOP ‘Jigsaw’ (video)
YHGfL ‘Daydreaming’ (cyberbullying video)
News and Information for Parents
CEOP Parent’s guide to the internet (video)
CEOP Primary parent’s site (advice)
ParentPort (advice)
UK SIC Guide to technology (advice)
Pan European Game Information (advice)