07 April – Newsletters and Golden Assembly

Digital copies of this weeks newsletters:

pdf EYFS & KS1 Newsletter
pdf KS2 Newsletter


Golden Assembly Winners

20170407_093715 Always Club
Children were in the always club this week for always smiling even when the going gets tough, congratulations to our winners:
Ashton, Maeve, Brian, Olivia, Keanu, Charlee-Jayne, Alex, Darcie, Jack, Esme, Rhys, Evie, Tyler, Katie and Dylan
20170407_093736 Writer of the week
20170407_093748 Mathematician of the Week
  Kindness Cup
20170407_093803 Sport Award
20170407_093840 Attendance Ted
KS1 winners are Ash 1
KS2 winners are Yew 2