Golden Assembly and Newsletters

Digital copies of this weeks newsletters are coming soon.

Golden Assembly

Always Club
Children were in the always club this week for always being truthful, congratulations to our winners:
Tilly, Isabelle, Maeve, Thomas, Alesha, Alfie, Abigail, Stevie, Clara, Emily, Ellie, Demi, Sidnee, Connie and Tayla
Awarded for impressing a staff member from upper school with her amazing handwriting.
Awarded for her achievement over the year and great attitude in maths.
Kindness Cup
Awarded for helping a friend when they had a nosebleed.
Sport Award
Hollie, Jessica, Nell and Alex
Awarded for helping at an athletics competition.
Creative Award
Awarded for amazing art work in his art book throughout the whole year.
Attendance Ted
KS1 winners are Pears with 98.0% attendance
KS2 winners are Elm 2 with 98.3% attendance