New Reception Starters Sept 2020

Normally, we hold transition afternoons and invite parents in to meet our reception unit team. Unfortunately, due to the current circumstances we have been unable to do this and we have had to look to different methods of sharing information with you all.

On June 23, we held an online meeting via Microsoft Teams with parents and staff to share the information we would usually share with you upon visiting us. We were delighted with the number of parents and carers who managed to access the meeting and we hope you found it informative. A recording of the meeting is available below.

New reception parents meeting June 23

Following the meeting, we shared a video tour of our Reception Unit so that you can shre with your children and show them what their classroom looks like, where they will go for their dinner and where they go for that first morning in September. The video tour is available here:

Reception unit video tour

And finally, we have setup a Padlet for you to share the amazing activities you have done and are doing with your children before they start in September. This will help us get to know your children and allow them to share their experiences with staff and their peers when they start with us. This is the link for Padlet: