Out of This World Assembly

Digital copies of this weeks newsletters are coming soon.

Out Of This World Assembly​

Out Of This World
Out Of This World children have been chosen for their work in class.
Alex, Noah, Kimberly, Alfie, Evie, Tyler, Alex, Ella, Marcjanna, Ameira, Liam, Eva, Taylor, Bradlee and Amirra
Awarded for using his phonics and writing labels for his batman cave.
Awarded for trying hard every week to improve their maths and to make the methods they use better.
Kindness Cup
Awarded for staying inside most break times to help others and staff in the classroom.
Creative Award
Awarded for creating detailed and amazing artwork and sketches around the topic of the Great Fire of London.
Attendance Ted
KS1 winners are Apples with 99.3% attendance
KS2 winners are Oak 1 with 99.0% attendance