Out of This World Assembly & Newsletters

Digital copies of the termly newsletters:

pdf Nursery Termly Newsletter
pdf Reception Termly Newsletter
pdf Year 1 Termly Newsletter
pdf Year 2 Termly Newsletter
pdf Year 3 Termly Newsletter
pdf Year 4 Termly Newsletter
pdf Year 5 Termly Newsletter
pdf Year 6 Termly Newsletter


Out Of This World Assembly​

Out Of This World
Out Of This World children have been chosen for their work in class.
Poppy, Lexi, Preston, Max, Taylor, Ruby-Ella, Maeve, Grace, Krystall, Henry, Marcjanna, Rubyleigh, Alfie, Katie and Oliver
Awarded for having fantastic ideas and thoughts for poetry all week.
Awarded for smashing the challenges in maths, completing all of the work set for him by his teacher.
Kindness Cup
Awarded for being very kind to a new member of her class, making sure they know where things are and where they are going.
Sport Award
Awarded for participating well as a class and everyone being determined and persevering, improving throughout the lesson.
Attendance Ted
KS1 winners are Ash 2 with 98.6% attendance
KS2 winners are Elm 1 with 96.2% attendance