Out of This World & Newsletters

Digital copies of this weeks newsletters:

pdf EYFS & KS1 Newsletter
pdf KS2 Newsletter

Out Of This World Assembly​

Out Of This World
Out Of This World children have been chosen for their work in class.
Noah, Logan, Nojus, Mia, Jack, Rosalie, Riley-Jay, Jacob, Lillie, Sapphire, Faith, Spencer, Finlay, Amelia and Faith.
Awarded for sharing her amazing, emotive writing about plastic pollution in assembly this week.
Awarded for making amazing progress in Maths.
Kindness Cup
Awarded for her kindness at the disco.
Sport Award
Awarded for her excellent cheerleading skills, being motivated, determined and persevering at all times.
Attendance Ted
KS1 winners are Apples with 98.6% attendance
KS2 winners are Elm 1 with 97.9% attendance