Reception Baseline Assessments

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As your child has joined Reception this academic year, over the next six weeks they will be taking part in the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA).

This is a new national assessment that will be administered in all schools in England to pupils in Reception classes which will provide a snapshot of where pupils are when they arrive at school. It will establish a new starting point for class teachers and enable them to measure the progress your child has made by the end of Year 6.

The RBA is a short, practical assessment focusing on pupils’ early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills and will be carried out one-to-one at school and does not require any preparation at home.

It is important to note that this is not a pass or fail assessment; the results will be used to inform teachers of your child’s next steps in their learning.

If you wish to find out more out the RBA’s, please read the attached information which is aimed at parents and carers.