Dear Parents/Carers
Year 6 PGL Residential Visit
Friday 10 June – Monday 13 June 2022
Each year we invite children from Year 6 to enjoy a PGL adventure break at Caythorpe Court, Nr. Grantham, Lincolnshire;
providing them with the opportunity to take part in a number of different outdoor pursuit activities. We were unable to attend
last year as a result of the pandemic and are really excited to be able to take a group on the above dates.
The PGL centre is inspected and approved by the appropriate licensing authorities to provide qualified, trained instructors at
all activities, as well as group leaders who look after the children to make sure they have a really safe and fun time. In addition,
our qualified and very enthusiastic staff accompany the children to ensure they are well looked after and make the most of
their time at Caythorpe Hall.
We will leave school after lunch at approximately 2.00 pm on Friday 10 June 2022 and return to school at around 3.30 pm on
Monday 13 June 2022. The cost is £193.00 and this includes all food, accommodation, insurance, transport and instruction
in a range of outdoor activities.
In order to make this visit affordable, payments may be made in instalments; allowing you to spread the cost over the months
prior to the visit. An initial deposit of £40 is required, followed by an interim payment of £40 by Christmas 2021 and full
payment is due by Easter 2022. PGL have confirmed that should a pupil contract Covid at the time of travel, they will be
eligible for a refund through the PGL insurers.
I need to know by Tuesday 9 November 2021 how many children from Year 6 wish to participate. Places are limited
and we expect high demand. An initial deposit of £40 will be required via ParentMail to secure a place. Please note
that PGL terms and conditions state that this deposit is non-refundable.
The school has a fund available to provide concessions for families experiencing financial hardship. It is really important that
the funding is allocated fairly and appropriately. Although we are aware which children receive free school meals, each
family’s circumstances may be quite different.
As this is such a sensitive subject, may I suggest that if you would like your child to take part in this year’s PGL visit, and you
are experiencing financial difficulties which make it difficult for you to afford the full cost, please make an appointment to
discuss this with me. You have my assurance that any conversation will be treated in the strictest confidence.
If you would like a place for your child on this trip, please pay the deposit of £40 via ParentMail before 9am on
Tuesday 9 November 2021.
Yours sincerely
A Nuttall (Miss)