Golden Assembly and Newsletters
Digital copies of this weeks newsletters:Read More »Golden Assembly and Newsletters
Digital copies of this weeks newsletters:Read More »Golden Assembly and Newsletters
The year 6 children had a surprise Mayan workshop today to launch their new topic for this term.Read More »Year 6 Mayan Workshop
Bay Unit took part in a Brazilian themed dance workshop with Miss Johnson from Kimberley’s School of Dance. Read More »Year 5 Brazilian Dance Workshop
The children enjoyed their trip to Scawby Village Hall to watch the Tour of Britain today.Read More »2017 Tour of Britain
24 children from KS2 competed at the annual North Lincs School Sport Network Primary Athletics Championships at The English Institute of Sport in Sheffield. We competed in the large schools category against four other schools.Read More »The English Institute of Sport in Sheffield
Children from reception competed in the Outwood Academy Brumby’s New Age Kurling competition. They played in a round robin style tournament, playing all teams throughout the afternoon trying to get their Kurling stone as close to the centre of the target as possible.Read More »New Age Kurling Competition
Children from year 6 took part in a Tag Rugby tournament held at Bottesford Junior School. There were nine teams in total including two from our school.Read More »Tag Rugby Bottesford
Children in Year 1 competed and won at the Outwood Academy Cluster Mini Olympics competition at the school. Their athletics skills were tested in a range of different events to find out to overall winner.
Well done to all of the children who took part.Read More »KS1 Mini Olympics