A very warm welcome to our first term in Acorns! Over the next few weeks, we will be settling the children into nursery and getting to know their interests and developing skills. Please can we ask that your child brings a water bottle filled with water rather than juice, each day and a bag with a spare change of clothes in case of accidents. Please ensure all clothing, water bottles, bags and shoes are named.
PE Information
Physical development is an important part of the EYFS curriculum and is planned for on a daily basis both inside and outdoors. We also make use of the school hall to play games and explore a range of PE equipment. Children do not require a PE kit for these sessions.
Extended Learning
Sharing daily stories with your child is a great way to encourage a love of reading from a young age. You may already be signed up to ‘The Imagination Library’ but please let us know if you need help with this. Encouraging your child to count and sort objects in the home and recognise numbers in everyday contexts will also support their developing maths skills.
Our theme for this half-term is called ‘Let’s Find Out!’. We will be learning about each other and our families, learning to follow routines and make new friendships. Any family photos, either brought in or e-mailed will be much appreciated and returned to you within a few weeks. We will also be learning about our school community and seasonal changes.
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to us at nursery or alternatively, e-mail us at nursery2024@lincolngardens.net
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