Computing Curriculum


Our Computing curriculum is based on what we know is best for our pupils. We aim to prepare our children for a rapidly changing world through the use of technology. The Computing curriculum is designed to enable and develop computational thinking and creativity to further understand the world in which we live. The children are encouraged to persevere and reflect on their learning whilst creating, correcting, debugging and solving problems.

Through an engaging and varied computing curriculum, children will have gained key knowledge and skills in the three main areas of the Computing curriculum: computer science (programming and understanding how digital systems work); information technology (using computer systems to store, retrieve and send information) and digital literacy (evaluating digital content and using technology safely and respectfully). Through these three strands, we strive to develop children’s enthusiasm and a love for Computing, and understand how important Computing is in the wider world.

Teaching and Learning

The school’s Computing aims are to:

  • Use Computing as a tool to engage pupils in an interactive and collaborative learning environment
  • Respond to new developments in technology
  • Equip pupils with the confidence and capability to apply Computing effectively throughout their life
  • Develop the understanding of using ICT safely and responsibly
  • Enhance other areas of the curriculum by enabling staff to have the confidence to use ICT effectively
  • Provide a wide ranging, flexible and enjoyable curriculum

The Computing curriculum focuses on three key areas: computer science, digital literacy and information technology. We teach the three strands of the Computing curriculum through a mixture of skill specific sessions, as well as through cross-curricular thematic work, which gives children the opportunity to consolidate and extend the skills they have been taught in different situations and to support their learning in other curriculum areas.

This ensures that pupils can:

  • Understand the principles of computer science including logic, algorithms, data representation and communication
  • Analyse problems in computational terms
  • Understand how computer systems work
  • Write programs to achieve a given goal
  • Use logic to solve coding problems (debugging)
  • Be responsible, competent and confident users of technology
  • Use their own initiative to apply technology in various scenarios to best effect
  • Critically analyse data and information and display information appropriately


Early Years

At foundation stage it is important that children have a wide ranging, play-based experience to Computing in different contexts, including outdoor play, to achieve the Early Years Learning goals:

  • Children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools.
  • Children can select and use technology for particular purposes.

Children should learn that Computing is not just about using a computer. There are many ways of achieving this, such as:

  • Using Bee Bots to develop basic understanding of algorithms
  • Using recording devices to help develop communication skills
  • Using Computing in role-play scenarios.

Key Stage 1

By the end of key stage 1, pupils should be able to:

  • Understand what algorithms are and how a program executes a sequence of instructions
  • Write and debug simple programs
  • Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
  • Store, manipulate and retrieve data from a range of digital platforms
  • Recognise uses of technology outside of school
  • Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private and knowing where to go for help

Key Stage 2

By the end of key stage 2, pupils should be able to:

  • Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals
  • Solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts
  • Use sequence, selection and repetition in programs as well as using variables and various forms of input and output
  • Use logical reasoning to explain how algorithms work; detect and correct errors in algorithms
  • Use search technologies effectively; appreciate how search results are selected and ranked
  • Understand computer networks and how they can provide a range of services
  • Use their own initiative and reasoning to apply technology in the most effective way in a safe and appropriate manner

Coverage and Progression

We have recently revised our curriculum to ensure we have good progression and coverage throughout the school. Long and medium term plans have been developed to ensure that variety, progression and consolidation of skills runs throughout the school. Class teachers use long and medium term planning to inform their short term planning and to ensure that all needs are catered for.


E-safety and security guidelines are outlined in the e-safeguarding policies. Children are reminded of their responsibilities when accessing any school computer.

Inclusion and equal opportunities

We recognise that all children are different and progress at different rates. Some children with specific needs may not be working at the same level as their peers. Therefore, we carefully plan lessons in order to support children with these differing needs and ensure their learning is appropriate for their stage of development. We aim to challenge all our children. It is an integral part of our teaching strategy to support and encourage children to reach their full potential and to believe in their own abilities.

All pupils, regardless of race or gender, have the opportunity to develop their Computing capability. We promote equal opportunities for computer usage and fairness of distribution of Computing resources. Regular surveys are carried out to obtain an understanding of levels of access children have to Computing at home.

Where it is recognised that Computing would provide a significant improvement to the learning of a pupil with a particular need, a solution will be explored. Alongside this, staff will structure their teaching materials to match a learning difficulty.


To ensure that the children have a variety of learning experiences at Lincoln Gardens, numerous dinnertime Computing clubs take place focusing on all three strands of the Computing curriculum. This including more able children in key stage 2 being identified as digital leaders, providing opportunities for these children to work across year groups and take part in whole school assemblies. To further raise the profile of Computing, KS2 take part in the yearly Bebras Computing Challenge focusing on the children’s computational thinking where the children’s participation and results are celebrated as a whole school during assemblies. Similarly, selected children in KS2 have visited the 20-21 Visual Arts Centre in Scunthorpe to work with the artist Genetic Moo. The children worked in pairs to produce pieces of art using coding to create interactive artwork, which then went on display the following day to the public. 

Assessment and Recording

In our school, assessment of children’s computing capability is achieved through:

  • Evaluation of children’s achievements against learning objectives and success criteria (teachers’ formative assessment)
  • Summative assessment of individual achievements against the programme of study (entered onto FFT termly)
  • Work saved on the school servers and printed evidence in children’s books
  • In the Foundation Stage, observations of children’s emerging Computing skills are captured and saved within the Tapestry online learning journal
  • Progress is also reported to parents as part of the annual report

Resources and Access

As technology is critical to teaching and learning, the school has an on-site technician and Network Manager who maintain the school IT infrastructure. A managed wireless system is in place that caters for the school’s current needs as well as providing the opportunity for expansion as needs increase. This also ensures that there is full network coverage across the school site, internally and externally. All laptops and computers are protected by up to date security software and monitored using Senso to ensure the safety of all users on the network. The school’s network is fully managed through an active directory domain to allow efficient management of all devices. Pupils in Key Stage 2 have their own domain user account.

IT is a highly valued learning tool at Lincoln Gardens Primary School by both teachers and children. To enable a rich Computing experience, we have invested in the following resources allowing children to access Computing in a range of ways:

  • Tablets (60 iPads)
  • Dedicated classroom laptops for day to day use
  • Computing Suite
  • Additional laptops in the Computing Suite
  • Interactive board in each classroom
  • Interactive Floor Projector (foundation unit)
  • Makey Makey equipment
  • Cameras
  • Bee Bots
  • Image and video editing software suite
  • Microsoft Volume licensing to keep all Microsoft software up to date

Monitoring and Review

The Computing leader monitors teaching and learning through:

  • Classroom observation and discussion with pupils
  • Scrutiny of children’s work stored on the school server and presented in books
  • Monitoring and analysis of data
  • Discussion with the on-site technician and Network Manager
  • Discussion with the head teacher
  • Development, implementation, evaluation and review of action plans
  • Ensuring policy matches practice
  • Reviewing available resources and proposing purchases of new hardware and software
  • Assessing CPD needs and arrange appropriate training
  • Informing staff of emerging technologies
  • Attending appropriate courses to update knowledge of current developments,

Engaging in learning walks with SLT

Useful Websites