
A big warm welcome from all the Reception team! We hope you have all had a fantastic Summer break and have made lots of fun memories. We have been very busy over the Summer holidays to make sure the classrooms are ready for you all and have planned some very exciting activities.

PE Information

PE will be every Monday morning for both Apples and Pears. Children will not need to bring their PE kits to school until February 2025. We will put out a note beforehand to remind you when it needs to be in school.

Extended Learning

In order to support you child’s learning we ask that you read at home (at least 4 or more times). Please ensure that you date and sign the reading diary so we can see how many times your child has read, you can also write comments about how your child has got on. The children will be given a book and diary within the first couple of weeks at school, initially this will be a picture book which you can read with your child to stimulate their imagination and expand their understanding of the world. It will also help to develop language and listening skills and prepares them to understand the written words we will move on to. A sheet with some hints and tips to support your child’s reading at home will be in the front cover of their reading diary.


This half term we will be focussing on our “Hi, My Name is…” topic. Over the coming weeks we will be learning about ourselves and how our bodies work, our families, our friends, our school and our local community. We will also be looking at our local community and the people who help us in our local community. We are also hoping to go on a community walk to the local library.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact any of the Reception team.

Apples—Miss Thorne email:

Pears—Miss Wilson email: