
A warm welcome back to the start of a new half term!

We hope you had a lovely break and enjoyed a well earned rest. We cannot wait to welcome the children back and continue our learning about Explorers and different environments.

PE Information

This term we will be getting changed for PE, so please send your child with the correct kit and ensure all items are named, including footwear. Please refer to the uniform policy on the LGPS website to ensure the correct kit is worn.

Extended Learning

For extended learning, your child will be expected to complete weekly tasks. These will be:

  • Reading at home (at least 4 or more times) Your child has now received a reading book and a reading diary, please ensure that you sign the reading diary so we can see how many times your child has read, once the child has read the book we will change books on Fridays.
  • Using the phonics links sent home weekly to reinforce phonic knowledge.


During the Spring term, from now until the Easter break, we will be learning all about “Explorers”. We will be looking at non fiction texts and some related fiction stories. In this half term we will be exploring the Jungle, Space and different forms of transport . We will be learning about the intrepid explorers who visited these regions in years gone by and comparing the past to the present. We will also be learning and practising our Easter songs ready for our Easter performance.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact any of the Reception team.

Apples—Miss Thorne and Miss Barrett email:

Pears—Miss Wilson and Miss Morris email: