Year 2

Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed your summer break and made the most of some of the lovely weather we had! We are really looking forward to welcoming the children into Year 2 and hope they are ready to get back to into the swing of learning after the long break. The Year 2 team are excited to be back so that we can get stuck into the first topic of the year: ‘The United Kingdom’.

PE Information

This half term the children will have PE lessons on Thursday and Friday. Please ensure that both indoor and outdoor kits are available and please refer to the uniform policy to ensure the correct kit is worn. We will be doing some lessons outside, so please ensure that black jogging bottoms and black jumpers/hoodies are included in the children’s kit.

Extended Learning

For extended learning, your child will be expected to complete weekly tasks. These will be:

  • Reading at home—four or more times a week
  • Practising times tables—2x, 5x, 10x and 3x using TTRockstars.
  • Spelling shed for spellings and spelling related games.


Our first exciting topic is ‘The United Kingdom’. We can’t wait to start discovering interesting facts about the four countries that make up The United Kingdom. We’re also going to be learning about the history of Scunthorpe and practising our map work skills to locate our town on a map.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact any of the Year 2 team.

Ash 1— Miss Ogg

Email address – 

Ash 2 — Miss Byrne

Email address –