Year 1

Hello! We hope you have had a lovely break over half term and are feeling motivated and ready to learn! We are really looking forward to seeing everybody back and engaging in our learning. Please remember that attendance is vital so that your child can achieve the best possible outcome. As we start our phonics lessons at 8:50, it is really important that the children arrive promptly so not to miss any essential learning.

PE Information

This year, your child’s PE lessons will be on a Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning. Please ensure that both indoor and outdoor kits are available for both days and please refer to the uniform policy to ensure the correct kit is worn. PE kit can stay in school from Monday to Friday.

Extended Learning

Your child will be expected to complete weekly tasks throughout year 1.

These will be:

  • Reading at home (at least 4 or more times, this will be recorded in school)
  • Spelling assignments on spelling shed (login details are in your child’s reading diary).


Our Spring 2 topic is Kings and Queens. Our WOW event will involve becoming a King or Queen for the afternoon and taking part in a Coronation and tea party. We will be exploring the different rulers of the United Kingdom such as Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III. In Science and Geography we will be focussing on the changing seasons.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact any of the year 1 team.

Yew 1 Mrs Bright
Email address –

Yew 2 Mrs Doughty and Miss Jollands
Email address –