Year 3
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Curriculum Menu
The Year 3 team are pleased to welcome you back to school after the half-term break. We hope that you had a lovely week off and that the children are feeling refreshed and ready to learn. We have lots of exciting experiences and new learning to look forward to this half-term and, of course, it’s always an exciting time of the year in school as we lead up to Christmas!
PE Information
This year, your child will be doing PE on a Monday and Thursday. Ensure that both indoor and outdoor kits are available for both days and please refer to the uniform policy to ensure the correct kit is worn.
Extended Learning
For extended learning, your child will be expected to complete weekly tasks. These will be:
- Reading at home (at least 4 or more times)
- TT Rockstars
- Spelling Shed
We will also be sending home arithmetic tests for your child to practise at home and speed reading to work on building fluency. These will be sent home fortnightly.
Our Autumn term topic of ‘Pole to Pole’ will be continuing. We will be researching the history of polar exploration and linking our reading and writing to this theme. We will also be studying the book ‘Return’ by Aaron Becker.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact any of the year 3 team.
Fir 1 – Mr Burkinshaw
Email address:
Fir 2 – Miss Shaw
Email address: