Year 4

Welcome back! We are thrilled to have everyone back in school ready for another fantastic term! We were very impressed with the positivity and enthusiasm show by so many of you last term and we really hope this continues throughout Autumn 2. We have lots of fun filled, practical activities planned for this term including building circuits in Science and starting our Art and DT projects! We also can’t wait to learn about settlements and have a go at writing a playscript!

PE Information

This year, your child will be doing PE on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Please ensure that both indoor and outdoor kits are available for both days and please refer to the uniform policy to ensure the correct kit is worn.

Extended Learning

For extended learning, your child will be expected to complete weekly tasks. These will be:

  • Reading at home (at least 4 or more times)
  • TT Rockstars
  • Spelling via Spelling Shed – there will be a weekly test which will match the spelling pattern each week.
  • Extended Learning Grid


Our Autumn term topic is still ‘The Ancient Greeks’. This topic will be linked to all of our subjects from Reading and Writing, to History and Geography! Please see the curriculum map for more information.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact any of the Year 4 team.

Elm 1 – Mrs Eddleston (Monday-Thursday) and Mrs Benson (Friday)
Email address –

Elm 2 – Mrs Bywater
Email address –